I don't have much to say here, except that autumn is my favorite season. I was cranky this morning, but I walked out of my apartment to crisp, fresh air, bright, clear sunlight, and a feeling of lightness. Everything could have been falling apart but the smell of fall on the air would have made me feel better. This is a time for throwing a football or baseball in the park, consuming pumpkin flavored items, getting back into warm, hearty comfort foods, breaking out the sweaters and layers I've been dying to wear, sipping from a flask to keep warm during brisk fall evenings, enjoying football games, going to state/county fairs, waiting for the leaves to fall, preparing for Thanksgiving, spending time out walking, enjoying the outdoors without being overcome by heat and humidity...and if you got someone, this is pretty good snuggling weather, too. My kitty will do the job just fine.
Sometimes things feel like they are all wrong, and sometimes they feel like they are all right, but however they feel, this is the time for them to be felt.
That's all the rambling I have.
For now.